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The Oxford Thesaurus An A-Z Dictionary of Synonyms - stomach n.


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Stomach n.

stomach n.
1) abdomen, belly, gut, pot-belly, pot, paunch, Colloq corporation, bay window, tummy, bread basket, spare tyre: His huge stomach hung over and concealed his belt. 2) tolerance; taste, appetite, desire, hunger, thirst, craving, need, inclination, relish, longing, yearning, hankering: I have no stomach for those TV sitcoms featuring precocious four-year-olds. --v. 3) abide, tolerate, endure, stand, bear, suffer, take, accept, swallow, resign or reconcile oneself to, put up with, countenance, brook, Brit stick: He walked out when he could no longer stomach her continual criticism.
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